Cannabis gummies are a great way to consume cannabidiol or CBD for short. CBD gummies are delicious treats that can provide you with all of the benefits that CBD has to offer. This article will explain what CBD is, why it’s good for your health, and how you can get your hands on some delicious gummies of your own.

What is CBD?

CBD is one of over 100+ compounds found in cannabis that belong to a class of cannabinoids. Cannabinoids like CBD interact with receptors throughout our bodies and brains; these receptors make up a more extensive endocannabinoid system (ECS). The ECS plays a vital role in regulating functions like sleep and appetite as well as pain and immune responses.

In addition to being a receptor in the ECS, CBD has been found to have antioxidant and neuroprotective activity. This means that CBD can provide relief and protection from oxidative stress and may prevent or slow neurodegeneration (the deterioration of neurons ). Perhaps most importantly for many people, however, CBD works by directly interacting with receptors involved in pain perception , which is why we believe it’s especially useful for CBD gummies for pain.

What are gummies? Gummies are tasty treats that contain other ingredients such as cannabidiol, melatonin, or vitamin C. They’re made by combining the other ingredients with a base like gelatin or starch, then putting the mixture into a mold where it sets until it becomes solid enough to eat.

Why should I consume CBD in the form of gummies? Eating cannabinoids instead of smoking them is a more discreet and convenient way to get fast-acting relief and, for many people, it’s also tastier than other forms like oils or tinctures . Gummies can be made into just about any shape, so they’re fun to eat! Because CBD interacts directly with receptors involved in pain perception , we recommend consuming gummies when you need fast relief from pain, such as after exercising or when you have migraines.

CBD is viewed by many as a dietary supplement instead of a psychoactive cannabinoid because it doesn’t interact directly with CB1/CB2 receptors in the brain which are responsible for the ‘high’ associated with cannabis intake.

CBD interacts with a growing list of non-cannabinoid receptors, ion channels and other chemicals in the brain which are involved in mood regulation, pain-sensing and immune response. Among these compounds is TRPV1 , which responds to warming sensations like those felt when eating spicy food or applying capsaicin topically. It’s known that CBD can reduce sensations of pain because it activates TRPV1 receptors.